Friday, August 29, 2014

Breaking News | Middle East Oil Could Secure Their Future

Follow Don's board Don Pentecost | on Pinterest.

I know these are very strong statements, but they are true.

  • I have the one and only solution for Climate Change and it is my exclusive invention. It is the Clean Energy invention of Don Pentecost and it is the Invention of the Century.
  • My invention is for sale for $28 Billion (U.S. Dollars), Net, after taxes. This is extremely inexpensive, considering what is currently being spent (Hundreds of $Billions of U.S. Tax Payer Dollars) , and the $Trillions that U.S. Government and United Nations want to spend in the future for ludicrous climate change projects.
  • There are incredibly strong "Powers" in the world (financial and/or political), that would fight against any real clean energy and climate change solution
  • At the top of the list for resisting a real solution is OPEC (Middle East Oil), and Environmentalist Agenda Organizations that are using Environmental Causes to fund their real agenda (and i'll just leave that subject so that we don't get distracted from the main subject). 
  • Focus on the FACT that there is already a real solution, and I am the only person in the world that has the solution (invention).
  • My invention can eliminate any need for Middle East Oil. Middle East Terrorism is spreading because it can be funded with oil money. This is also a fact. Do you want the Middle East Oil Cartel to purchase the rights to my invention, just so that they can make sure that it never actually is used, thus protecting their financial interests.
  • Every dollar that has been spent in the last 5 years related to Climate Change, and every dollrar that will be spent in the future (and it will be $Trillions that we do not have), is a waste of money !!!
  • Write or email the White House and President Obama why they plan on bankrupting the United States over Climate Change, when the solution is already available ?
  • I have emailed over 100 employees at the U.S. Environmental Agency, with no response. When you realize that the last thing in the world that they want is a real solution, it makes sense that they have no interest in communication with someone that has the solution.
  • My contact information.                                                                          

Start asking people why there is a solution and no one wants to talk about it.

The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

60 Minutes Televison Show

Unrelated Link;

Tags; climate change, don pentecost, global warming, clean energy, middle east oil, investments, clean energy inventions.

Thursday, August 21, 2014

OPEC, Opec, Opec You Need To Protect Yourself With My Invention

Secure Donations Through PayPal

Currently Main Site

Future main site


Solve Climate Change with my invention and potentially profit over $100 Billion.
If you are an Oil Producing Nation my invention could potentially force you out of business...I would buy it. Price tag; $28 Billion (net after taxes).

I have the one and only singular solution for solving Climate Change
and environmental pollution.
If you would like to donate to my Climate Change Solution | Clean Energy Solution (which
is not a theory or concept, but reality...then go to and on the side panel
you will see the PayPal icons...Donate Securely with PayPal.

The Price tag for my Clean Energy Invention is $28 Billion (after taxes).
480-234-0928 Scottsdale, Az. USA....there were some posts with a error that said "$28 Million"
Make no mistake about it. It is $28 Billion with a "B"
The U.S. Government can bail out (give) $148 Billion to AIG Insurance (who does 90% of their
business in foreign countries), but they can't spend $28 Billion for my (Singular) Climate Change
Solution ?
Is John Kerry, Hillary Clinton, others in the Obama Administration and the U.N. really concerned
about a Climate Change Solution ?  Only if there is Financial and Political GAIN in it for them !
The government is too busy handing out (Giving) $148 Billion to AIG insurance, and AIG doesn't have to account for one dime. That's over $71 Million U.S.Tax Payer Dollars per HOUR that they gave to a private corporation. (that has 90% of their operations outside of the United States.
The "Climate Change" Environmental Pollution Solution is HERE...The problem is that NO ONE
CARES because too many people are making A LOT of MONEY from NOT having a Single
Solution....They want to drag this "problem" out as long as possible for Political and Financial gain.
Think of all the people, corporations, ( and oil producing countries ), who are presenting benefiting
Keeping things just as they are...the last thing in the world that they want is an "outsider" coming
in and rocking the boat with a SINGLE SOLUTION that they have NO part in...
These are just a minute number of the people who would HATE to see a REAL SOLUTION;
Oil companies, oil producing countries, automobile manufacturers in Japan and the United States,
Click on this link for the entire list by country
solar panel companies, wind power companies, gasoline companies, any company associated with the combustion engine (gas or diesel), bio fuel companies ("food for fuel", the dumbest of them all), etc., etc...
Do you really want to contribute to the elimination of Climate Change / Global Warming ?
I am speaking of a SINGULAR Solution, not one of the so-called "plural solutions" that will never work as a comprehensive solution. The reason that plural (numerous) "solutions" have been promoted is because there are so many people, businesses, government agencies, etc. that want to make money from the "green economy", be on the gravy train with a government grant., etc....very few people are actually interested in the environment if there is nothing in it for them.
We need to make my Clean Energy Solution (invention) become a reality. It can be manufactured and available for global use in less than 3 years. It can eliminate the need for Middle East oil. I am trying to hold out as long as possible to NOT sell the rights to a country that is already producing mass quantities of oil. Do you want to turn over the invention that can eliminate Climate Change to OPEC countries ?
If OPEC buys my invention, that would be the last time that you ever heard of it...Do you want any of these countries to have control of this invention ?
The two primary goals that will never change. 1) Make sure that my Clean Energy Solution (invention) ends up in the right hands, and is actually produced so that it will benefit everyone. 2) The revenue from selling item #1 will fund a USA-based Formula 1 race team that will be capable of winning...B) Myself as primary driver for the team.
climate change global warming united is human activity cause effects edf org adwww impacts today our environmental defense epa www gov what average temperature earth s surface issues articles temperatures natural news slate magazine but 7 hours ago to planet lot hot more facts causes nrdc changes solutions threats the nature conservancy explore consequences science nasa wikipedia observed a vs yale & we kentucky senator thinkprogress detail t indepth bill increasing drought under i model how scientific greenhouse gases you climate change grand season steven f1 bottas could fia s ban fric sutton images more news photos best one features the line through make see which he t i him sebastian vettel latest ga after their silverstone hamilton title race his german ever day ask ricciardo new winner first win have gp overtaking no front only world featured canadian 1979 jones villeneuve victory off but later tyres williams merc ferrari says recent mclaren boullier better test two morning red bull challenge bianchi pic pirelli tyre 18inch image driver clay regazzoni most drivers career crashthe u s government out 148 billion aig insurance 90 their countries t singular climate  solution really if there financial political gain it them too have one over united states problem no because many people money not single want long possible oil producing just last these would companies automobile manufacturers list country http gas any fuel etc do global i am plural solutions never so make actually need clean energy invention eliminate opec primary 1 team blogspot price chiropractic wellness care patients services scottsdale office we provide spinal correction help these more dr evan corrective exercises their own improve muscles specific health lifestyle advice activities avoid do our patient whole person nutritional supplements s know which vitamins posture png massage therapy pain screenings chiropractor areas his lives

Friday, August 8, 2014

Don Pentecost | How OPEC Could Buy Oil Elimination

Secure Donations Through PayPal

Currently Main Site

Future main site


Solve Climate Change with my invention and potentially profit over $100 Billion.
If you are an Oil Producing Nation my invention could potentially force you out of business...I would buy it. Price tag; $28 Billion (net after taxes).

I have the one and only singular solution for solving Climate Change
and environmental pollution.
If you would like to donate to my Climate Change Solution | Clean Energy Solution (which
is not a theory or concept, but reality...then go to and on the side panel
you will see the PayPal icons...Donate Securely with PayPal.

The Price tag for my Clean Energy Invention is $28 Billion (after taxes).
480-234-0928 Scottsdale, Az. USA....there were some posts with a error that said "$28 Million"
Make no mistake about it. It is $28 Billion with a "B"
The U.S. Government can bail out (give) $148 Billion to AIG Insurance (who does 90% of their
business in foreign countries), but they can't spend $28 Billion for my (Singular) Climate Change
Solution ?
Is John Kerry, Hillary Clinton, others in the Obama Administration and the U.N. really concerned
about a Climate Change Solution ?  Only if there is Financial and Political GAIN in it for them !
The government is too busy handing out (Giving) $148 Billion to AIG insurance, and AIG doesn't have to account for one dime. That's over $71 Million U.S.Tax Payer Dollars per HOUR that they gave to a private corporation. (that has 90% of their operations outside of the United States.
The "Climate Change" Environmental Pollution Solution is HERE...The problem is that NO ONE
CARES because too many people are making A LOT of MONEY from NOT having a Single
Solution....They want to drag this "problem" out as long as possible for Political and Financial gain.
Think of all the people, corporations, ( and oil producing countries ), who are presenting benefiting
Keeping things just as they are...the last thing in the world that they want is an "outsider" coming
in and rocking the boat with a SINGLE SOLUTION that they have NO part in...
These are just a minute number of the people who would HATE to see a REAL SOLUTION;
Oil companies, oil producing countries, automobile manufacturers in Japan and the United States,
Click on this link for the entire list by country
solar panel companies, wind power companies, gasoline companies, any company associated with the combustion engine (gas or diesel), bio fuel companies ("food for fuel", the dumbest of them all), etc., etc...
Do you really want to contribute to the elimination of Climate Change / Global Warming ?
I am speaking of a SINGULAR Solution, not one of the so-called "plural solutions" that will never work as a comprehensive solution. The reason that plural (numerous) "solutions" have been promoted is because there are so many people, businesses, government agencies, etc. that want to make money from the "green economy", be on the gravy train with a government grant., etc....very few people are actually interested in the environment if there is nothing in it for them.
We need to make my Clean Energy Solution (invention) become a reality. It can be manufactured and available for global use in less than 3 years. It can eliminate the need for Middle East oil. I am trying to hold out as long as possible to NOT sell the rights to a country that is already producing mass quantities of oil. Do you want to turn over the invention that can eliminate Climate Change to OPEC countries ?
If OPEC buys my invention, that would be the last time that you ever heard of it...Do you want any of these countries to have control of this invention ?
The two primary goals that will never change. 1) Make sure that my Clean Energy Solution (invention) ends up in the right hands, and is actually produced so that it will benefit everyone. 2) The revenue from selling item #1 will fund a USA-based Formula 1 race team that will be capable of winning...B) Myself as primary driver for the team.
climate change global warming united is human activity cause effects edf org adwww impacts today our environmental defense epa www gov what average temperature earth s surface issues articles temperatures natural news slate magazine but 7 hours ago to planet lot hot more facts causes nrdc changes solutions threats the nature conservancy explore consequences science nasa wikipedia observed a vs yale & we kentucky senator thinkprogress detail t indepth bill increasing drought under i model how scientific greenhouse gases you climate change grand season steven f1 bottas could fia s ban fric sutton images more news photos best one features the line through make see which he t i him sebastian vettel latest ga after their silverstone hamilton title race his german ever day ask ricciardo new winner first win have gp overtaking no front only world featured canadian 1979 jones villeneuve victory off but later tyres williams merc ferrari says recent mclaren boullier better test two morning red bull challenge bianchi pic pirelli tyre 18inch image driver clay regazzoni most drivers career crashthe u s government out 148 billion aig insurance 90 their countries t singular climate  solution really if there financial political gain it them too have one over united states problem no because many people money not single want long possible oil producing just last these would companies automobile manufacturers list country http gas any fuel etc do global i am plural solutions never so make actually need clean energy invention eliminate opec primary 1 team blogspot price chiropractic wellness care patients services scottsdale office we provide spinal correction help these more dr evan corrective exercises their own improve muscles specific health lifestyle advice activities avoid do our patient whole person nutritional supplements s know which vitamins posture png massage therapy pain screenings chiropractor areas his lives

How and Why OPEC Could Purchase Oil Elimination Invention

Secure Donations Through PayPal

Currently Main Site

Future main site


Solve Climate Change with my invention and potentially profit over $100 Billion.
If you are an Oil Producing Nation my invention could potentially force you out of business...I would buy it. Price tag; $28 Billion (net after taxes).

I have the one and only singular solution for solving Climate Change
and environmental pollution.
If you would like to donate to my Climate Change Solution | Clean Energy Solution (which
is not a theory or concept, but reality...then go to and on the side panel
you will see the PayPal icons...Donate Securely with PayPal.

The Price tag for my Clean Energy Invention is $28 Billion (after taxes).
480-234-0928 Scottsdale, Az. USA....there were some posts with a error that said "$28 Million"
Make no mistake about it. It is $28 Billion with a "B"
The U.S. Government can bail out (give) $148 Billion to AIG Insurance (who does 90% of their
business in foreign countries), but they can't spend $28 Billion for my (Singular) Climate Change
Solution ?
Is John Kerry, Hillary Clinton, others in the Obama Administration and the U.N. really concerned
about a Climate Change Solution ?  Only if there is Financial and Political GAIN in it for them !
The government is too busy handing out (Giving) $148 Billion to AIG insurance, and AIG doesn't have to account for one dime. That's over $71 Million U.S.Tax Payer Dollars per HOUR that they gave to a private corporation. (that has 90% of their operations outside of the United States.
The "Climate Change" Environmental Pollution Solution is HERE...The problem is that NO ONE
CARES because too many people are making A LOT of MONEY from NOT having a Single
Solution....They want to drag this "problem" out as long as possible for Political and Financial gain.
Think of all the people, corporations, ( and oil producing countries ), who are presenting benefiting
Keeping things just as they are...the last thing in the world that they want is an "outsider" coming
in and rocking the boat with a SINGLE SOLUTION that they have NO part in...
These are just a minute number of the people who would HATE to see a REAL SOLUTION;
Oil companies, oil producing countries, automobile manufacturers in Japan and the United States,
Click on this link for the entire list by country
solar panel companies, wind power companies, gasoline companies, any company associated with the combustion engine (gas or diesel), bio fuel companies ("food for fuel", the dumbest of them all), etc., etc...
Do you really want to contribute to the elimination of Climate Change / Global Warming ?
I am speaking of a SINGULAR Solution, not one of the so-called "plural solutions" that will never work as a comprehensive solution. The reason that plural (numerous) "solutions" have been promoted is because there are so many people, businesses, government agencies, etc. that want to make money from the "green economy", be on the gravy train with a government grant., etc....very few people are actually interested in the environment if there is nothing in it for them.
We need to make my Clean Energy Solution (invention) become a reality. It can be manufactured and available for global use in less than 3 years. It can eliminate the need for Middle East oil. I am trying to hold out as long as possible to NOT sell the rights to a country that is already producing mass quantities of oil. Do you want to turn over the invention that can eliminate Climate Change to OPEC countries ?
If OPEC buys my invention, that would be the last time that you ever heard of it...Do you want any of these countries to have control of this invention ?
The two primary goals that will never change. 1) Make sure that my Clean Energy Solution (invention) ends up in the right hands, and is actually produced so that it will benefit everyone. 2) The revenue from selling item #1 will fund a USA-based Formula 1 race team that will be capable of winning...B) Myself as primary driver for the team.
climate change global warming united is human activity cause effects edf org adwww impacts today our environmental defense epa www gov what average temperature earth s surface issues articles temperatures natural news slate magazine but 7 hours ago to planet lot hot more facts causes nrdc changes solutions threats the nature conservancy explore consequences science nasa wikipedia observed a vs yale & we kentucky senator thinkprogress detail t indepth bill increasing drought under i model how scientific greenhouse gases you climate change grand season steven f1 bottas could fia s ban fric sutton images more news photos best one features the line through make see which he t i him sebastian vettel latest ga after their silverstone hamilton title race his german ever day ask ricciardo new winner first win have gp overtaking no front only world featured canadian 1979 jones villeneuve victory off but later tyres williams merc ferrari says recent mclaren boullier better test two morning red bull challenge bianchi pic pirelli tyre 18inch image driver clay regazzoni most drivers career crashthe u s government out 148 billion aig insurance 90 their countries t singular climate  solution really if there financial political gain it them too have one over united states problem no because many people money not single want long possible oil producing just last these would companies automobile manufacturers list country http gas any fuel etc do global i am plural solutions never so make actually need clean energy invention eliminate opec primary 1 team blogspot price chiropractic wellness care patients services scottsdale office we provide spinal correction help these more dr evan corrective exercises their own improve muscles specific health lifestyle advice activities avoid do our patient whole person nutritional supplements s know which vitamins posture png massage therapy pain screenings chiropractor areas his lives